Friday, August 08, 2008


We usually see CDs strung along veg and fruit plots in our Spanish neighbours' gardens and this is the first scarecrow (espantapájaros) we've ever seen. He's guarding the vine and listing ever more to the right as time goes on. We keep forgetting he's a scarecrow and call out "hola, buenas dias) whenever we pass before giggling at our mistake.


Cheryl said...

Gosh Ladyluz....I really like him....can I have one please????

gintoino said...

I really like those oldfashion scarecrows. I should think about puting one in my veg garden (not that I need since my "watch cat" keeps avery bird out)

Sue Swift said...

He's the most realistic scarecrow I've ever seen. I can well understand why you keep talking to him. Has he ever spoken back?