Saturday, May 25, 2013


 At last, I have a New Zealand bottle brush plant that I haven't managed to kill off.   This is its second flowering.
 Portalaca - I think originates from Brazil.   I did smarten up the pic but it hasn't transferred well.   These lovely little plants start to expand and fill the space.   I put half a dozen in and will record their progress.   They open in the sun and close their eyes when it goes down.
 These deep pink  plants are astromedia.  I've never grown them before but after 10 days in the bark chip area,  they seem to be at home.
 First peach of the year and will be ready to eat in about a week.   The nectarines are puny - no bigger than walnuts - even so, the taste is spectacular.
View from half way down the orchard with citrus, plum and fig trees in the distance.
 Looking through one half of the enclosed garden, with the palm that's survived the palm weevil, so far.    It needs a good trim but apparently a freshly trimmed one attracts the weevils.
A sad looking patch at the moment since we removed many lilies to the back fence and put in  argyranthemum and osteospurmum.   It won't be in its full beauty until Autumn or next Spring.

It's been hard work this month trying to get on top of things after a wet and chilly Spring....mostly.    It's been very satisfying to accomplish most of the things on our "to-do" list.   Of course, another list has now taken its place.  As always in the garden.

1 comment:

Hattie said...

It is so satisfying to garden. I wish we could grow stone fruit where we are in Hawaii, but you need cool to cold winters for that.