Thursday, December 29, 2011

blooming December

 Camelias seem to be the in thing.   I tried them one year as I had wonderful camelia bushes in Cornwall.  Sad to say, they died on me one winter.


thecatalanway said...

Hi there it's so lovely to see all these colourful plants waiting to find a new home. I do envy you having a garden - we have decided to stay in town for the moment - three dogs and all. But I miss having a green space outside to potter in.
I don't know why but I missed some of your posts - I look in google reader but they didn't come up so have been catching up!

Happy New Year

Kate x

Jan said...

Beautiful plants, and I'm in two minds myself about getting a couple of cyclamen. Shame about the palms and, yes, they should be destroyed.

Garden seeds said...

Thanks for the post mate you have written it very well.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Hello Lady Luz; I read about tree deceases, this is a worry. I think it is a shame when the palms go because they are sort of part of the landscape. I was wondering about Hibiscus? Do they grow well in your area. I love Bougainvilleas, beautiful colours and tough as old boots. Best wishes T♥

LadyLuz said...

The recent cold snap has seriously damaged many plants, including the hibiscus. When it's warmed up we'll see what's survived and then I'll have something to say about it on the blog.