Saturday, August 09, 2008


It's official - Dermy has given his seal of approval. He is 20 years old and has been very ill lately. Now he seems to be on the mend and has been out investigating his new pot.

He is the shoutiest cat I've ever met, and here he is giving full voice
That was a bit exhausting, so he'll just have a lie down near his new property.

What a lovely picture this makes.....


Cheryl said...

I am a dog person ladyluz but I have to say there are some beautiful cats on the blogs I he is gorgeous.....absolutely gorgeous...

Naturegirl said...

How blessed you are to have your Dermy for 20 yrs! Oh that mosiac of him is exqisite! A treasure forever I'm sure with fond memories of these photos taken today!
Makes my heart sing to see and read this post! hugs and purzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Big and beautiful, Dermy. 20 years old that is great. Good that he is better again.
The pot with the mosaic design is fantastic it even has Dermis name on it. I can see he gives his full approval.

Anonymous said...

Twenty years old - phenomenal. No wonder he has his very own pot. I imagine Dermy is very, very much loved and enjoys being doted upon. Hope he continues to make good progress.

Passionate Dilettante said...

Gorgeous! And so is your blog. So far, I've only had time to look at the pictures, and send another feline-crazy female to this wonderful entry. But I'm getting there! I envy you your garden, and look forward to the day when I can have my own. Meanwhile the terrace will do as soothing place, and summer bedroom.

Anonymous said...

with such a
I love your mosaic too.

Love you!