Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I'd like to pass on the Excellence Award and have the same dilemma as Sue in Milan - many of the blogs I read have already got them. I don't think the following ones have, so I'm nominating them for giving me so much pleasure when I visit:

Colin and Carol
at Mediterranean Gardening. They are further north than us and I find their blog informative and entertaining.

is in Sweden and has recently started blogging in English. I like the fact that he shares my enthusiasm for Robert Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".

in Texas is a plucky young woman learning about gardening and what to do with her life and needs all the encouragement she can get.

La Gringa
in Honduras has kept me entertained since I started blogging. She has something to say about many things connected with her adopted country since leaving the USA.

Bill at the Throbbing Thumb

in southern Australia. I have learned a few things about Australian plants we have in common which obviously thrive in a Mediterranean climate.

in UK - such lovely English countryside images and so lyrical and poetic a blog that I feel nostalgic.


in Portugal - can be translated into English. I just love visiting to see what's blooming over the border.

And finally, Zut Alors
in California for her sheer exuberance.


Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Congrats on receiving this award Pam, well deserved! I know a few of the blogs you've given the award to but not all. Well, that means that I get to explore a few more new blogs, always fun. :-)

Priscilla George said...

Congratulations on receiving the Excellence award. Thank you so much for nominating me! I have no idea who I will nominate it seems everyone has one. I'll need to go down my list of faved garden blogs and see who is left.

Anonymous said...

Oh i can't wait to have more time and visit the bloggers you mentioned here. Thanks for pointing the way for us.

I just dropped by to say hello
and to let you know there is a
little contest going on at My Serentity Garden
If you’d like to join in.

Sue Swift said...

Thank yoyu - you've introduced me to several supe blogs which I didn't know about, and reminded me to visit a few I'd forgotten about. Why isn't Elderwoman better known? She is so right.

LadyLuz said...

Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by. Always good to see you and to pop over to catch up with your news.

Sue, yes, elderwoman has a very inspiring site. Now she has her own website with newsletter and discussion group for elder women and here's the link There many links there also to other very interesting sites which, for someone like me in their late 60s, are very inspiring.