As we sat there drinking coffee at the end of a strenuous couple of hours filling the wall and planting, I thought this scene looked cosy. The urn in the foreground is waiting to be mosaiced in black and copper but it will have to wait a while as el jefe has another, more important one to finish off for friends.

And here are the fruits of our labours - he decided to fix a few coloured tiles on the back of the wall to cheer it up. Gonzalo had a spare Moscatel vine for us, so appeared with his mattock, whacked a great hole behind the wall, shoved in the vine and now we don't know how we're going to train it and where when it'll go when it gets on the move.

Oh I love your wall with the tiles and the pots and urns. All looks great!!
It is definitely a cosy scene. The mosaic pot housing the jade plant is beautiful!
All beginning to look so pretty...It looks lovely and warm, have you lost your north wind. We have had a cold wet and windy day.
Hi Cheryl, no, the north wind still doth blow and if we can get out of it around mid afternoon, it's very warm in the sun.
Hi Kate, glad you like the pot. It was one where D used up spare bits and if you click on Garden Art you'll get a better view. Now, jade plant - is that what's also called a money bush/tree? I thought the plant was aeonium arboreum and wrote a story on November 22, 06 about the type that goes dark maroony-black in the sun. Have I got it all wrong, as I think you're the succulents expert?
Hello! I found your blog on Blotanical. What a lovely garden you have! I'm thrilled to have found a garden blog from Spain--and the south at that. I have family in the northj--Oviedo and Madrid. But I have personally always preferred the southern part of Spain.
Hi Weed Whackers - I could do with you both down here, weeds there are a plenty!
Thanks for stopping by. I popped over to you, saw your lovely birds having a bath etc. and tried to leave a comment. Don't know if I was successful.
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