See how cuttings like those shown below have grown into this marvellous tree in 3 years.
It swishes and bends with the wind, is evergreen and at the moment has tiny white flowers all over it.
These myoporum laetum (ngaio tree) cuttings are waiting transplantation when we can decide where to put them.
David, the Spanish gardener, has recovered from his pneumonia and will appear on Monday to give all the fruit trees a radical prune. I shall lurk in the background with my camera and try and pick up a few tips. We have hundreds of those yellow flowering weeds all down the orchard. They choke everything and we've found nothing to eradicate them. Gonzalo says don't worry, they'll die back and they won't do any harm.
Catching up on your posts-all lovely pics. I don't think I know the Ngaio Tree-but I do love how so many trees can grow so large in the tropics in a few years.
Wow, that Ngaio tree grows quite quickly if it gets that high in only 3 years. An evergreen and covered in lovely white flowers at the mo, eh? Always a bonus! It's wonderful to see with what kind of exotic plants and shrubs you can get away with in Spain!
Lots of purrrrrrrrs from the Bliss team for Yin and Yang!
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