Tuesday, August 14, 2007


No, I'm not complaining - the sou'westerly breezes coming in have been a welcome relief from the usual eyeball searing heat we get in August. And the plants are grateful too: the hibiscus are thriving, a stephanotis is in full bloom and winding its way through a dark red bourganvillea and the avocada grown from a pip has quadrupled its size. There are seven new leaves ready to burst forth. Everything under
the patio and the two pergolas is grateful for a bit of shade.

Very sadly, I'm still waiting for the Clematis Bill Mackenzie to show its yellow drooping flowers, but not a sign - just loads of leaves which are starting to turn brown. Maybe we have to wait another year and make sure we nurse it along in the winter.

There's not a great deal to do in the garden, apart from regularly clearing up the leaves of the pink trumpet vine and the campsis radicans in the lower pergola.
Remember Mathilde's urn, with the instructions "mariposas please". Well here it is. It's a very old pot and was full of cracks which el jefe had to break and Araldite together.

I think she'll be very pleased with this when we take it round tomorrow, which is a religious holiday. We have been invited to lunch, which will be a first.


Catherine said...

The pot looks beautiful!! She will love it!...enjoyed your site!

Anonymous said...

The mosaic pot is delicious! I love the colors you chose, the butterflies are giddy with delight.
Very nice!
Your pal,

Green thumb said...

Of course she will be delighted to see the pot.It looks pretty!!
Best Wishes!

Naturegirl said...

Love the urn! Our August weather has just cooled off too a welcome relief!
hugs NG

LadyLuz said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments: good to "see" old and new blogging buddies.

Mathilde was delighted and showed it with a typical 4 hour Spanish lunch - yum, yum.