This has now had its black grout applied and I think it looks gorgeous. We shall paint the inside as it helps terracotta pots retain moisture.
This next one, using up bits 'n pieces with the odd coloured glass pebble, is a bit of a disappointment

because the tiles get lost in the red grout. We have been reading up on oil-based grout stains, so will find a black one and go over this pot after experimenting on a trial piece.
And for Colin's benefit on mediterraneangardening.blogspot, here's the same pot before the grout was cleaned off. See what I mean about the tiles disappearing and that black grout would have been much better.
The days are getting colder now so I think this might be the last bit of mosaic work until Spring. Ooo, will withdrawal symptoms set in!
I've not been by for a bit and I see so much that interests me. The mosaic cube..WOW can't wait to see what you'll plant!
Asparagus fern with berries!!Unheard
of for sure!!
I am signing in as Anonymous because (Betta not allowing me to comment as easily because I HAVE NOT switched over yet.) this is naturegirl
Your mosaics are lovely. And it`s refreshing to see about gardens because we have winter now. Also fascinating to see your country! i`m not familiar with Spain at all.
I like your rue plants and having them at the door. I tries planting a Rowan tree and it didn`t survive for some reason. This i can keep alive I think!
Any chance you hang out on the garden junk forum of gardenweb.com? The (mostly) ladies there do a lot of mosaic and crafts projects for their gardens and yours reminded me of that only that it's a lot nicer than the ones I've seen on the forum.
I may even do one myself.
Thanks for that mrbrownthumb. I did come across gardenweb and later forgot where I'd seen the garden junk section. I got side-tracked on the Europe forum.
There are many good books on mosaicing, as well as info. on line. Having the proper tools and equipment is a must to get the shapes you need for a specific design. But a lot of fun can be had just choosing harmonising colours, smashing up bath tiles and fitting them on a large pot face like a jigsaw - see my Chinese pot.
Nice work ..can't wait to see the pot in black grout. you really are a busy girl!!
It looks SOOO good with black grout. I really like your butterfly table. I've been looking through you site and really have been enjoying it.
wonderful blog. just skimming through the pics at moment as i don't have time to read it now, will bookmark it for later. fabulous mosaics - i have more ideas for my own now! my favourite is the terracotta pot you refer to as a 'bit of a disappoitment' :)
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