Sunday, September 12, 2010

piel de sepo

Thanks to my dear friend near Alicante I discovered this wonderful melon, which tastes like a cross between Honeydew and Galia, piel de sepo (snake skin). I'd never seen them before, nor had I learned how to cut pieces out of a huge melon for small servings rather than prepare the whole thing. How dumb is that!

I was not alone though. D. saw it in the fridge and said "Pammie, why have you bought a melon with a hole in it".

The skin has dark green and cream striations - the more marked the cream lines, the riper it delicious.
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Jan said...

I haven't seen this type of melon, but what a pretty skin. And I must try that way of cutting them.

gintoino said...

Just a little correction there...It's "Piel de sapo" and it means "toad's skin" ;-)
We have it here in Portugal and call it "Pele de sapo". I'ts a deliccious melon, I grew it last year too and hopefully the seeds will come true.

LadyLuz said...

Here we are Jan - they grow them in Portugal too. Maybe a southern melon.

Gintoino: many thanks for the correction. I've visited you after a long gap and left a comment.