Wednesday, April 02, 2008


We're running to stand still at the moment as there's a lot to do. Happily, the weather is kind enough to allow us to get on before the really hot weather arrives and we flop around like beached whales.

Becky is back from her travels in Mexico . Welcome back.

For her first grandchild, here is December 12th birthday.

Sorry, Becky, doesn't look a very inspiring entry.


Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

I'm quite busy here too as I couldn't do a thing for quite some time because of the bad weather. Now the temperatures are higher, the sun is stronger and everything seems to shoot up in the garden all of a sudden.

Cheryl said...

Weather here is good at the moment but the cold is coming back at the weekend.
Nice post for Beckies grandchild.

Naturegirl said...

Nice of you to post for Becky's 3rd is coming when I get back home where I am told still has 4 ft. snow banks!! happy I am spending time getting sunkissed in the deserts of Arizona!! hugs NG

Anonymous said...

Oh my . . .!! You are right, it's not very inspiring for those born on the 12th. Hmmm, i'll just have to make up something sweeter for my sweet granddaughter.
but thanks for posting for me.
We do need straw and buggies in the garden of life.