The big rain is here and has been relentless today. From temperatures up in the low 30sC ten days ago, we down to the low 20s. I saw Gonzalo spraying his potatoes after the last rain and subsequent hot sun and before you could "Jack Robinson" he'd leapt over the fence and did mine. I casually asked what he was doing you see and, apparently, he was guarding against potato blight caused by the humidity. The plants have quadrupled their size and I just hope the heavy rain today doesn't rot them.
The gravel garden was under water today - haven't seen this for the last two years. The soil in the orchard is like porridge: a short walk down there results in another 2" layer on my rubber gardening shoes, plus another inch of gravel as I walk across into the house!
A big bonus though: the pergola bourganvillea is blossoming for the first time and the pelogoniums have a second lease of life.
A friend has sent me some ornamental poppy seeds and I have some wild flower mix too, so as soon as we have a dry spell and can rotivate, these will be broadcast at the bottom of the garden.
Here are the mother poppies - well, they were, but they're at the top of the page now! Does anyone know the best time for seeds in this corner of Andalucia?
D. is busy with a cube pot but I'm not going to chance uploading the pic now only to have it stuck somewhere inappropriate, so will do through Picasa.
Well Hello all the way from Canada.I came by way of Becky! Lovely garden photos and your mosaics! True art! I would love to see the mosaic on your table..appears to be a black and yellow butterfly!!...my favorite visitor to my garden. Come by and vivist nature-trail.. I post my passions as I see them behind the lens of a camera.Tara at Paris Parfait is visitng Spain and posting photos along the way. I have her link on my site.
Hi NG - so glad you like the garden and art. Take a look at the July archive and there are pictures of the butterfly table, which had been modified as D was not happy with the original design.
I am back and I did go into your July posting and saw the ....
{{{BUTTERFLY tables}}}I am speechless!
You are so gifted and creative!! I must add you to my list of links so I can frequent your site easily!! I trust you approve!NG
Luz, plese email me if you still would like the gardening book sent to you.
myserenitygarden at yahoo dot com
Just stole your poppy pic. To die for.
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