MK 2 MOSAIC TABLE. Here is the finished set, and a close-up of the butterfly. Simple, elegant, don't you think?! Three different grouts used on the benches - dark green, red (which has come out a nice terracotta) and black.

This is an ordinary flower pot, with oddments, proper tesserae and glass pebbles to give a colourful effect, using chocolate brown grout.....nice.
I've forgotten the name of the rambling plant with pink daisy-like flowers in the background. I plonk it everywhere, water it in and it's off.....from time to time it needs a haircut so I put the trimmings in troughs and pots. Glossy leaves all the year round, drought resistant and hardy. Perfect for these conditions.
Now this is my personal favourite - gorgeous! Do you sell them at all, if not you should start making them to sell as it is fab!
You guys really do nice work. I haven't seen one item that I didn't like...even the butterfly that was uneven had its charm.
Can't wait to see more of what you do...
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