Monday, April 28, 2014

Unusual blooms

Gonzalo leapt over the fence just a few weeks ago clutching a bundle of greenery.   With his mattock, he'd whacked at the soil, stuck in the plants and then demanded agua.    Whenever I've remembered, I've given them more.   So here is the surprise.....they are fleur de Lys - and so beautiful, so scarlet.   Lucky they didn't need more cherishing otherwise I'd have missed this sight.

On the pergola shelf, once again, are the giant Christmas cactus-y flowers, but more of them.   Very dramatic.


Ela said...
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Ela said...

Such original flowers and so wonderfully colorful !

Hattie said...

Ah, flowers. Can't get enough flower pictures!

Wisewebwoman said...

Love these, gorgeous fleur!