Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jacaranda, whoopee

Not a great pic but at least it shows the blossom. We have waited for this for 4 years and I was beginning to think it would never flower. It's planted alongside the workshop, which is covered in campsis radicans just about to flower, and a palm tree.

It's one of many plants provided by dear friends and it's such a pleasure to walk around and see trees/shrubs/flowers grown from seeds or cuttings provided by friends.
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Jan said...

I don't know about jacaranda at all, but it looks beautiful and how lovely that it's flowered for you for the first time! It looks a little like wisteria or jasmine.

Sue Swift said...

Had heard of Jacaranda but never actually seen it. Googled it and if yours develops like some of those I saw, it'll be glorious. fingers crossed for future years.